Quick Funds, Inc.

Low Cost Personal Injury Advances


Rush Fundings, Inc is a full service settlement funding company. We understand what you’re going through.


We have been helping personal injury victims get through the financial stresses that result from their injuries.  Claimants often feel compelled to settle prematurely in order to quickly get the funding to deal with the mounting financial pressures they are experiencing. However, in doing so you may not received every dollar needed to cover all your injuries and other resulting expenses. We help by providing cash to cover emergencies or general living expenses affording time to negotiate the settlement you deserve.


Rather than waiting for years, it may only take hours to get your advance and begin alleviating some of your stress.


Rush Fundings, Inc.

P.O. Box 

111 Route 303 Suite 210
Tappan, NY 10983

Phone: 1-800-705-1937

Fax: 1-845-704-1405